
Sprite Comics
Hoaxer of the Month
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Last Update: November 11 '04


11/11/04: This is a HUGE update!! We got a new sprite comic page, where you can submit fan comics and check out the sprite comic, S-Team Quest!! The first saga, The Tournament, is here!! Plus, 24 new hoaxes!!
This Update
1 hoax done myself
23 hoaxes by Matt!!
The First Episode of S-Team Quest!
11/1/04: If you have been to my past sight, "Spy_Knux's Hoaxes", you've probably noticed I haven't updated in forever!! Well, welcome to the new Sonic Dimension, presented by me, Spy_Knux!! Check out the site and contribute as much as you can to become Hoaxer of the Month!!
This Update:
1 contributed hoax from the king, himself: Matt!!
9 hoaxes done myself.
And a new Hoaxer of the Month!!


Hoaxer of the Month
~November 2004


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